Magical Moths with Charlie Roberto

By Teatown (other events)

Thursday, May 27 2021 7:45 PM 9:00 PM EDT

Spring nights come alive with the flutterings of moths as the weather warms. Join Charlie Roberto at Cliffdale Farm for this magical evening treat. Families welcome.

Program is free to attend.
Maximum 12 participants. 

This is an in-person program at Cliffdale Farm.

Must complete COVID-19 questionnaire found here and a temperature check will be administered on the date of the program. Please send completed forms to 

The following precautions are being adopted by Teatown to ensure safety for public program participants and staff:

  • Program participants registering for in-programs must print and sign our waiver here before attending programs. Participants will not be admitted to programs without a signed waiver.
  • Program participants will be required to undergo a temperature check each day before being admitted to a program
  • If a participant or any member of a participant’s household has any COVID-19 symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19 they must inform Teatown and remain home.
  • All participants must wear face masks and observe physical distancing protocols – 6 ft apart as much is reasonably possible during activities.
  • Program numbers are set to coincide with NYS DOH Reopening Phase 4 group limits.
  • All shared program material will be sanitized after use in Teatown’s UV-C closet.
  • All programs are outdoors. The composting toilet and Cliffdale Education Building restrooms will be available for program participants
  • No refunds will be issued for any programs. Credits for future programs will be issued for health-related reasons only.